Atlanta Reckless Driving Lawyer
Work with the Law Office of Matthew T. McNally
If you have been pulled over and received a citation for reckless driving, you may face serious criminal penalties, including imprisonment as well as fines, community service and probation. It is crucial in these matters to have a competent criminal defense lawyer at your side to protect your interests and ensure your constitutional rights are protected through every step of the criminal process associated with your charges. If you would like a free initial consultation to discuss your case, please contact the Law Office of Matthew T. McNally today. We represent clients throughout the Atlanta area in Georgia and are happy to take the time to talk to you about your case and what we can do to help you.
Understanding Your Reckless Driving Charges in Atlanta, Georgia
Reckless driving is a more serious traffic violation that may be charged as a misdemeanor offense. A defendant may face up to 12 months in a county correctional facility as well as steep fines if convicted. In addition, he or she will face having to live with a criminal record, which can hinder employment and financial opportunities. Reckless driving is also a 4-point traffic offense, meaning that 4 points may be assessed on a driver's record for a conviction of this kind. These points may result in increased insurance premiums, and if a driver accumulates 15 points within a certain time period, he or she will face driver's license suspension.
Reckless driving refers to operating a motor vehicle in an aggressive and dangerous manner, meant to annoy, endanger, harass, injure or harm another person. It may also be referred to as aggressive driving. Less serious forms of reckless driving may be charged as careless driving.
Would you like to learn more about your rights and your options in the face of your Atlanta reckless driving charges? Contact the Law Office of Matthew T. McNally today for a free consultation with a skilled traffic violation defense attorney.

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Team McNally, My experience with you all was nothing short of exceptional.- Ian
Your professional, friendly, positive, humble, respectful attitude and behavior towards your clients had won our admiration.- Former Client
Nobody has ever heard of such an outcome in Douglas County (even the bailiffs were surprised with the judge's decision) It was the best outcome possible.- Eric
When the case looked negative, and numerous opportunities were given to surrender, you showed determination and we pushed through.- Former Client