Understanding the Points Added to Your Record
Explanation from the Atlanta Traffic Ticket Attorney
The Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) has the authority to suspend your driver's license if you accumulate 15 points within 24 months under the state's point system. This includes offenses that occur in Georgia and out of state. This is one of many reasons it is so important to work with an Atlanta traffic ticket lawyer to challenge any citation you receive for a traffic offense. With the proper knowledge and understanding of the specific procedure involved with challenging a ticket, a competent attorney can work to help you keep points off your record.
The points that may be assessed will vary depending on the particular offense allegedly committed. The specific points that may be assessed are listed below:
- Speeding
- 15 mph to less than 19 mph above the speed limit - 2 points
- 19 mph to less than 24 mph - 3 points
- 24 mph to less than 34 mph - 4 points
- 34 mph or more above the speed limit - 6 points
- Unlawful passing of a school bus - 6 points
- Aggressive driving - 6 points
- Reckless driving - 4 points
- Improper passing on a hill or curve - 4 points
- Failure to obey a traffic signal or traffic officer - 3 points
- Possession of an open alcoholic beverage while driving - 2 points
- All other moving violations - 2 points
- Failure to adequately secure a load - 2 points
- Child restraint violation (second or subsequent offense) - 2 points
- Child restraint violation (first offense) - 1 point
- HOV lane violation (4th and subsequent offense) - 1 point
If you are facing points on your driving record due to any type of traffic ticket or violation, we can help. Retaining the services of a skilled lawyer is an important step to take if you are interested in maintaining your driving privileges.
Contact Atlanta Traffic Ticket Lawyer Matthew T. McNally today for a confidential review of your traffic case.

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Nobody has ever heard of such an outcome in Douglas County (even the bailiffs were surprised with the judge's decision) It was the best outcome possible.- Eric
Your professional, friendly, positive, humble, respectful attitude and behavior towards your clients had won our admiration.- Former Client
I think I was still in shock yesterday and it was not until last night that the full impact of what you accomplished hit me. YOU ARE AMAZING.- Former Client
When the case looked negative, and numerous opportunities were given to surrender, you showed determination and we pushed through.- Former Client