Cited for No Valid Registration in Atlanta?
Get Defended with the Guidance of Our Atlanta Traffic Offense Attorney
In order to lawfully operate a motor vehicle, a driver must have up-to-date registration papers for the vehicle. Driving without valid registration is a criminal offense in Georgia, meaning a conviction may result in jail time and fines, as well as additional criminal penalties. This is not a mere traffic ticket that can be paid and that may only result in points assessed on your driving record. If you have received a citation for driving without registration, you face the very real possibility of having a criminal record if you are convicted.
At the Law Office of Matthew T. McNally we offer a free initial consultation to discuss your citation. As an experienced Atlanta traffic offenses attorney, Mr. McNally understands what's at stake. He can talk to you about your charges and determine what he can do to best assist you. The firm represents clients throughout Atlanta and the surrounding areas in the state of Georgia.
Penalties for Driving Without Valid Registration in Atlanta, Georgia
A first offense of driving without valid registration is a misdemeanor. A conviction may result in up to 12 months in county jail as well as fines of up to $1,000. The court will likely impose increased penalties for a second, third or subsequent offense.
Contact an Experienced Atlanta Traffic Lawyer
You have the right to consult a lawyer to help:
- Address and understand your charges
- Learn about your legal rights
- Get the legal protection you are granted under the U.S. Constitution.
By acting quickly and consulting an attorney as soon as possible, you will increase your chances at achieving a positive case outcome and can therefore avoid imprisonment and having a criminal record for the rest of your life.
Contact Atlanta traffic lawyer Matthew McNally today for your free case evaluation.

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When the case looked negative, and numerous opportunities were given to surrender, you showed determination and we pushed through.- Former Client
Team McNally, My experience with you all was nothing short of exceptional.- Ian
Nobody has ever heard of such an outcome in Douglas County (even the bailiffs were surprised with the judge's decision) It was the best outcome possible.- Eric
I think I was still in shock yesterday and it was not until last night that the full impact of what you accomplished hit me. YOU ARE AMAZING.- Former Client