Driving While License Suspended in Atlanta
Defense for Traffic Violations
Driving on a suspended license is a serious traffic violation that may result in the imposition of a mandatory 2-day minimum jail sentence if a driver is convicted. Driving without a license and driving while license suspended are both what are referred to as "document charges" because the driver does not have the proper documentation to lawfully operate a motor vehicle.
As of July 1st, 2008 the penalties for these and related offenses have become increasingly serious, including mandatory imprisonment in a county correctional facility. Because this is a misdemeanor offense in Georgia, a driver may face serious penalties and the potential of having a criminal record that can interfere with employment and financial opportunities.
Work with an Experienced Traffic Ticket Lawyer!
If you were pulled over and were either arrested or given a citation for driving with a suspended license, you will benefit from consulting an attorney about this situation. Atlanta traffic ticket attorney Matthew T. McNally can talk to you about your specific options as well as what you're up against in this regard so you can make the right decision about your case and your legal counsel. Attorney McNally is dedicated to giving you the personal attention and guidance you need so you can reach a positive case outcome.
Unsuspecting Drivers Arrested for Driving With a Suspended License
At times, a driver may be entirely unaware that his or her license has been suspended. In other situations, a driver may believe that an emergency situation warranted driving even though his or her license was suspended. Whatever the circumstances of your unique case, you will benefit from talking to a lawyer about your options.
Your initial consultation with Matthew T. McNally is free. Contact us today to talk about your driving while license suspended charges, and what we can do to help!

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Team McNally, My experience with you all was nothing short of exceptional.- Ian
Nobody has ever heard of such an outcome in Douglas County (even the bailiffs were surprised with the judge's decision) It was the best outcome possible.- Eric
I think I was still in shock yesterday and it was not until last night that the full impact of what you accomplished hit me. YOU ARE AMAZING.- Former Client
When the case looked negative, and numerous opportunities were given to surrender, you showed determination and we pushed through.- Former Client