Atlanta Defense Lawyer for Public Drunkenness
What is Considered Public Intoxication?
Public drunkenness, sometimes referred to as public intoxication, is the crime of appearing drunk or under the influence in a public place. People of all ages can be charged with public drunkenness, despite being over the legal drinking age.
You will be charged with public drunkenness if you appear in public with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% or more. When your BAC reaches or exceeds .08%, your level of awareness and inhabitation become significantly lower. Many people who appear drunk in public not only create a public disturbance, but they also endanger themselves and those around them.
If you've been charged with public drunkenness, put a skilled former prosecutor on your side. With nearly 20 years of experience, we can fight for your future and make sure your rights are upheld!
Contact the Law Office of Matthew T. McNally today to begin a free initial consultation!
What are the Penalties for Public Drunkenness in Atlanta?
In some cases, the police may let you off with a warning and escort you home. In other situations, they may just issue a citation and let you go. Sometimes the police will arrest you and bring you back the station, where you will have to sober up in a detoxification area. In these instances, you may be able to leave as soon as you are sober. Other times you will be required to post bail in order to leave.
You will be arrested for public drunkenness if you appear in public with a BAC of .08% or more and at least one of the following is true:
- You create a public disturbance.
- You cause danger to those around you.
- You become a threat to yourself.
In most public drunkenness cases, the offender is required to pay a fine, perform community service, and attend an alcohol awareness class. However, if you engaged in destructive or violent behavior that resulted in property damage or personal injuries, you will be faced with much more severe penalties.
Speak with the Law Offices of Matthew T. McNally Today!
Public drunkenness is not something you should just shrug off your shoulders. If you are facing criminal charges for public drunkenness, it's important to hire a defense lawyer to protect your rights and defend you in court. Atlanta criminal defense attorney Matthew T. McNally has many years of experience in Georgia criminal defense law and has been able to help many clients successfully overcome their charges. Mr. McNally is committed to using his resources, knowledge, and experience to build a strong case, fight your charges, and aggressively contest the prosecution's case. Furthermore, Mr. McNally is prepared to work tirelessly on your behalf to make sure you are not found guilty in court.
Call (678) 918-4421 to speak with an Atlanta public intoxication attorney today!

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Nobody has ever heard of such an outcome in Douglas County (even the bailiffs were surprised with the judge's decision) It was the best outcome possible.- Eric
Your professional, friendly, positive, humble, respectful attitude and behavior towards your clients had won our admiration.- Former Client
I think I was still in shock yesterday and it was not until last night that the full impact of what you accomplished hit me. YOU ARE AMAZING.- Former Client
Team McNally, My experience with you all was nothing short of exceptional.- Ian